Special Interest Groups [SIGs]

SIGs [Special Interest Groups] in the AAUW Glendale Branch

There are various Special Interest Groups [SIGs] that are open to any member.  The general information will be listed here.  Specifics of addresses and hone numbers are password protected unless previous permission to share was given.


Bring questions regarding aging for discussion. This group is open to anyone of any age. The group meets the second Wednesday of each month at a local restaurant. To reserve a place, email or call Barbara Bodden within 24 hours. Reservations are limited to the first 10 respondents.


For anyone Interested In playing Bridge or learning to play Bridge. The group meets monthly. Email or call Donnalee Monninger, chair


For anyone Interested in fiction or non-fiction books. Group meets third Tuesday of each month at 10AM in person. The location rotates. Email or call Ann Quinn, Edie Morrow, or Chris Christensen, chairs.  Full 2024-2025 schedule located below.

Day Book Club Reading List-2024-2025 Day Book Club-

AAUW Day Book Club CALENDAR 2024-2025


For anyone Interested In reading, an almost balanced blend of non-fiction and fiction Group meets September through May, on the second Monday of each month at 7pm In person. The location rotates. Email or call Anna Hernandez-Torres. Complete list is on the SIG–dates, addresses, phone numbers [password protected page].

Partial Reading List-2023-2024 of Evening Book Club–

BYLAWS–chair Elaine Smith

This SIG, really a committee,  is ongoing and the document is ‘live’ .  If interested, please contact Elaine.  We want to be sure that we are keeping in step with national and state regulations.  This document is available online under ‘Members Only’ and the members of this special group will have commenting privileges using a Google document.  Elaine will direct us.

Monthly MOVIE Fundraisers  { These are postponed until a venue can be found.]

For anyone interested in movies, this group meets on the last Sunday of each month. Attendees are encouraged to bring snacks. A minimum donation of $15 is encouraged. The money goes to the AAUW branch fund. Movies are announced In the newsletter, on the branch website, at branch meetings and emails by the chair. —as of 1/14/25, these are postponed because of the LA fires.