
Our Programs and Activities during 2024-2025

August 12, 2024
Zoom Board meeting

September 7, 2024
Installation meeting with Deanna Arthur as guest speaker discussing the policies and
positions of AAUW at the state level, and how they affect Branch activities.

October, 2024
Halloween Monster Mash Stay At Home Ball. A new tactic for fundraising to benefit the
Student Grants program. Members were given an opportunity to have a fundraising
event that did not involve attending!

November 9, 2024
Glendale Historical Society members Joemy Wilson and Hilary Sbei gave a
presentation about the Historic buildings, including a cemetery, that are preserved for
their role in the establishment and growth of the city of Glendale.

November & December
See’s Candy sale to benefit Student Grants program.

December 3, 2024
Holiday Party at the Tam O’Shanter Inn was well attended by members and guests.
This was the third year we have celebrated the Holidays at the Tam O’Shanter, a
restaurant that is about the same age as our Branch – 102 years!


Our Programs and Activities during 2023-2024

Saturday, September 9, 2023 

Araz Nazarian, Police Services Officer/Financial Crimes/Subpoenas  “Protecting Yourself from Scammers”.  The breakfast meeting at Oakmont included Ms. Nazarian discussing the various scams that plague residents in Glendale and elsewhere, regardless of age.  The helpful slides from her presentation are shared here:



[L to R Bev Van Citters, Araz Nazarian, Susan Hunt]

MOVIE—Sunday, September 24th at 1PM

THE LOST CITY OF Z, based on the book by David Grann, which the morning book group read last year.  This was a nonfiction bestseller in book form about a British explorer, Percy Fawcett, who risked his life in the Amazon jungle, in search of an alleged  civilization.  He never returned. Riveting, exciting, compelling!   Refreshments, Donation $15 or less, cash preferred

Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 2PM

A joint theater opportunity with the AAUW Pasadena Branch is set for October 1st.

Board Meeting, October 23, 2023

Minutes from Board Meeting

Saturday, November 11, 2023  at 11AM  on ZOOM

AAUW CA State President, Sandi Gabe will give an AAUW  ‘state of the state’ address.  Dr. Missy Maceyko, co-chair of the Public Policy Committee will discuss what the pressing policies are and how we can help in our locality. The Zoom link is located on the website under ‘Members Only’.

Here is a link to the video from 11/11/23:

December 5, 2023  HOLIDAY PARTY at Tam O’Shanter 

Holiday Party –a celebration of AAUW Glendale members at the Tam’O’Shanter.  Invitation in the November/December newsletter and a separate email announcement will be sent to members. Deadline for reservations is Wednesday, November 29th.

Board Meeting, January 15,  2023


Saturday, February 17  Luncheon at 11:30 AM Oakmont,  Joint Branch Meeting of AAUW Glendale and AAUW Pasadena

with Dr. Irina Ianculescu, scientist,

“Women and Science”


Board Meeting, March


Saturday,  April 13th, Branch Breakfast Meeting [$50] at Oakmont.

Nurture Relationships and Embrace Change” was the title of Maria McHolland’s presentation 

Maria provided a handout that outlined how one can be successful In nurturing relationships such as taking responsibility, showing appreciation, providing emotional support and forgiving to name a few. She moved on to the next topic, Embrace Change and gave examples of how her husband Is the catalyst In the family because he likes change, even it that means moving furniture in the living room. Others In the audience provided examples from their experiences.

Her two main subtopics on Embrace Change were 1. Why Is embracing change Important and 2. How to embrace change. She explained that technology has taken an upsurge since Covid. While some regard tech as difficult to learn, others view tech as an efficient means to get the job done.


Saturday, May 11th—Branch Luncheon Meeting at Oakmont–Scholarships

11:00 AM Lunch [$60]

Celebration of Scholarship/Student Grant Awardees


Diane Lambillotte, Glendale Commission on the Status of Women

Suzi Abajian, Glendale City Clerk

Dr. Sophia Arden, staffer, Glendale Commission on the Status of Women.


Juanita Martinez Ambrosio-GCC

Isis Gaitan-Daily High/Verdugo Academy

Lilit Karapetyan-Clark Magnet

Bhavneet “Pavi” Mudhar-Hoover High

Crystal Orozco-Glendale High

Haylee Park-Crescenta Valley High


Board Retreat and Planning,  June 15th [10AM-2PM]

A Board Retreat gathered the officers, and was open to members, to discuss the
calendar, focus, and general shape of the Branch for the next year. This was held in the
lovely garden of member Lucile Leard, and was a very successful day.